PUPILS at the Romsey School were celebrating after the school achieved its best-ever results with a record- breaking 77 per cent achieving five or more A* to C grades.

Visibly nervous teenagers started trickling into the drama studio yesterday morning, painfully conscious of the fact that these results would shape the rest of their lives.

But for most students it was a day to celebrate as more than 25 per cent achieved five or more A* and A grades which is another record for the school.

Bennath Atkinson was the school's top student achieving straight A* grades in all 12 GCSEs and a further 12 pupils gained straight A* and A grades.

Success was achieved across all abilities with 96 per cent achieving five or more GCSEs grades including English and maths.

Head teacher Gareth Bell said: "I'm so pleased with the results we have had this year they are the best we have ever had. I'm so thrilled for the kids they have really worked hard and they deserve everything they have got. It's a fantastic achievement I'm so proud to be part of this."