FIVE years ago Josh Weldon's sister Laurah died from cystic fibrosis, and his world was plunged into turmoil.

Depressed by the loss of his beloved sister he turned his back on Woolston School Language College.

But just a few years on, the 16-year-old, pictured left, is leaving the school as one of the most popular head boys, having picked up six grade A GCSEs and two Bs.

Josh, from Woolston, said: "When Laurah died it was a pretty rough time for me. I wasn't turning up to classes and even when I did I was walking out a lot because I was so upset.

"But after a while I started to make more friends and eventually started to get back into classes.

"In Year 10 I had to make a speech and to my surprise I was voted head boy by the pupils and the teachers, which was great."

Yesterday Josh got another shock when he opened his GCSE results.

"I was expecting Cs, so I was blown away when I opened the envelope and saw I had two Bs and six As.

"I was so happy, and my family was really pleased for me too."

Josh is now planning to study physics, maths and public services at Taunton College.