The top US envoy in Venezuela has been meeting officials of President Nicolas Maduro’s government to try to ease heightened tensions, despite the two countries having cut ties, according to officials in Caracas.

Foreign minister Jorge Arreaza appeared on state TV holding up photos of US charge d’affaires James Story and a senior Venezuelan government official as proof.

“We are acting in good faith from Venezuela,” Mr Arreaza said. “We aspire to see the US also co-operate in good faith.”

The two countries broke relations last week after US President Donald Trump recognised opposition legislator Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s legitimate leader, even as embattled socialist Mr Maduro holds the reins of power.

Juan Guaido during mass at a church in Caracas
Juan Guaido during mass at a church in Caracas (Rodrigo Abd/AP)

In the ensuing stand-off, US officials have labelled Mr Maduro a “dictator” and called for him to step down, while he has accused the White House of leading a coup to overthrow him and plunder Venezuela’s oil and gold resources.

Mr Maduro recalled Venezuelan diplomats from the US and ordered all US embassy staff out of the country, but later backtracked to try to open a dialogue over the issue.

Mr Arreaza said Mr Story met Venezuelan government officials over four consecutive days last week, including Wednesday, the day Mr Guaido declared himself interim president, sparking violent clashes between demonstrators and the National Guard.

The communications are aimed at creating an open dialogue between the US and Mr Maduro’s government, Mr Arreaza said.