Surging energy prices are posing problems for the artisan glassblowers of Italy’s Murano.

They have seen off plagues and pandemics and changed their business model to outrun low-priced competition from Asia.

But now methane prices are shattering their economic model.

The dozens of furnaces that remain on the lagoon island where Venetian rulers transferred glassblowing 700 years ago must burn around the clock, otherwise the costly crucible inside the ovens will break.

But the price for the methane that powers the ovens has skyrocketed fivefold on the global market since October 1, meaning the glass-blowers face certain losses on orders they are working to fill, at least for the foreseeable future.

A glass-worker finishes a glass artistic creation (Antonio Calanni/AP)
A glass-worker finishes a glass artistic creation (Antonio Calanni/AP)

“People are desperate,” said Gianni De Checchi, president of Venice’s association of artisans Confartiginato.

“If it continues like this, and we don’t find solutions to the sudden and abnormal gas prices, the entire Murano glass sector will be in serious danger.”

A medium-size glassblowing business like that of Simone Cenedese consumes 12,000 cubic metres (420,000 cubic feet) of methane a month to keep his seven furnaces hissing at temperatures over 1,000C (1,800F) 24 hours a day.

They shut down just once a year for annual maintenance in August.

His monthly bills normally range from 11,000 euros to 13,000 euros a month, on a fixed-price consortium contract that expired on September 30.

A glass-worker gives the last touch to a glass creation (Antonio Calanni/AP)
A glass-worker gives the last touch to a glass creation (Antonio Calanni/AP)

Now exposed to market volatility, Mr Cenedese is projecting an increase in methane costs to 60,000 euros in October, as the natural gas market is buffeted by increased Chinese demand, uncertain Russian supply and worryingly low European stockpiles.

Artisans like Mr Cenedese now must factor in an insurmountable increase in energy costs as they fill orders that had promised to lift them out of the pandemic crisis that stilled the sector in 2020.

“We cannot increase prices that have already been set. … That means for at least two months we are forced to work at a loss,” said Mr Cenedese, a third-generation glassblower who took over the business his father started.

“We sell decorations for the house, not necessities, meaning that if the prices are not accessible, it is obvious that there will be no more orders.”

A boat sails past a historical artistic glass factory in Murano island (Antonio Calanni/AP)
A boat sails past a historical artistic glass factory in Murano island (Antonio Calanni/AP)

Mr Cenedese, like others on the island, is considering shutting down one of his furnaces to confront the crisis.

That will cost 2,000 euros for the broken crucible.

It also will slow production and imperil pending orders.

His five glass-blowers move with unspoken choreographed precision to fill an order of 1,800 Christmas ornaments speckled with golden flakes bound for Switzerland.

“No machine can do what we do,” said maestro Davide Cimarosti, 56, who has been working as a glassblower for 42 years.

Murano glassblowers decades ago transitioned from wood ovens, which created uneven results, to methane, which burns at temperatures high enough to create the delicate crystal clarity that makes their creations so highly prized.

And it is the only gas that the glassblowers are permitted to use, by law.

A glass-worker heats glass in methane powered ovens (Antonio Calanni/AP)
A glass-worker heats glass in methane powered ovens (Antonio Calanni/AP)

They are caught in a global commodities Catch-22.

For now, artisans are hoping the international market calms by the end of the year, although some analysts believe volatility could persist into the spring.

If so, damage to the island’s economy and the individual companies could run deep.

Beyond economic losses, the islanders fear losing a tradition that has made their island synonymous with artistic excellence.

Already, the sector has scaled back from an industry with thousands of workers in the 1960s and 1970s to a network of mostly small and medium-sized artisanal enterprises employing a total of some 300 glassblowers.

Venice’s glassblowing tradition dates back 1,200 years, and on Murano it has been passed down from father to son for generations.

But even at its reduced size and despite its creative rewards, it struggles to attract young people to toil in workshops where summertime temperatures can reach 60C (140F).

“The value of this tradition, this history and this culture is priceless, it goes beyond the financial value of the glass industry in Murano,” said Luciano Gambaro, co-owner of Gambaro & Tagliapietra.

“Over 1,000 years of culture can’t stop with a gas issue.”