The Saints Trust were today preparing to bombard Michael Wilde and his fellow Saints PLC board directors with questions.

Wilde and co were due to meet shareholders for the first time since taking control at St Mary's at lunchtime today for their first annual meeting.

The Trust, who can count Wilde and fellow PLC directors Leon Crouch and Patrick Trant as members, will be aiming to ask the following questions: 1. When are Michael Wilde and Patrick Trant putting their new money' into the club, and why hasn't this happened to date?

2. Are we still expecting the other new investment before January as advised by Jim Hone?

3. Including the "new investment", are there plans to extend the company debt, and if so in what form and will any board members be providing personal guarantees?

4. If the investment plans have been wholly dependant upon the information produced by the financial review conducted by Ken Dulieu, how did you justify spending £7m before this information was available to yourselves?

5. Are any members of the board currently deemed to be a concert party by the Takeover Panel?

6. What was the "outcome" of the 60-day review and why was this not revealed before? Having been told you couldn't comment during the closed period, why have we not been updated since?

7. What steps have been taken to get the club as close to break even as possible on normal operations, (i.e. before taking on board monies received from transfers)?

8. What plans are in place to balance the books next season, bearing in mind that if we don't go up we lose of the parachute payment?

9. Do you have plans to remove SLH from being listed or to take it private?

10. With regards to corporate governance, what plans are there to represent other significant shareholders at board level?

11. It was stated in the manifesto that non-exec Directors would not draw a salary. However no mention was made of allowable expenses. Could you clarify whether non-execs are at liberty to claim travel to/from matches and SMS in the course of their duties, company cars and hotel bills?

12. Do you think the club's communication and transparency has improved since you took charge in the summer?

13. What have the new board done differently to the old one to improve the club?

14. Are any members of the Saints Trust or other fans groups being taken inside' by giving them price-sensitive information regarding details on investment and/or the club's finances?

15. With regards to the Saints Trust, as Wilde (via Merlion) and Crouch did not proxy their shares to the Saints Trust for the EGM after publicising they would do so, would it not be more transparent to either formally tender the proxies via legal document (like Wilde has with Wiseman and Hunt), or to withdraw the offer'?

16. Are the PLC Board fully supportive of the concept of a Supporter/Director being invited on to the Board of Southampton Football Club Ltd, and how do you see this as a benefit for the club?

17. How do you view the club's relationship with the various Regional Supporter Groups?

18. Was the decision to sell Ricardo Fuller the manager's decision, or was the decision forced on George by the Board due to his high wages?

19. Is it true that George has not moved to the area? If so, do the board feel there is a requirement to do so?

20. What input did the board have with regards to any of the summer signings?

21. What percentage of turnover are we planning to cap wages at?

22. I usually buy two season tickets on the payment plan. Now the amount of time has been reduced you repay it over, its harder to afford! Is there any way it will go back to the longer period or a different payment plan scheme planned for next season?

23. Assuming we miss out on automatic promotion, what will the policy be for ticket distribution for the play off semi final and final?

24. Why didn't the club lower prices for this current season? Surely you could have refunded season ticket holders during the close season and made prices lower all round?

25. Why were so many transfers marked as undisclosed and subsequently only quantified in quotes to the press?

26. How much was spent on the paint job and refurbishing behind the scenes? Could this have not been better spent on the first team?

27. Why can't we have the replays on the big screens during matches?

28. I am a season ticket holder and life long Saints supporter who lives in the midlands and spends over six hours on match days travelling to and from games. I get very frustrated when I read that players will be doing signings at the mega store on such as such day. I have no way of getting down and would love to be able to buy signed merchandise, etc. Surely the players could sign a few extra, which could be offered for sale on the mega store site to supporters that don't live locally?

29. With the huge number of Poles living in Southampton (and in the South as a whole), has the club looked at staging a Poland international friendly at St Mary's? This could be a potential money-spinner and could also inspire a lot of Poles to make regular trips to St Mary's. Also, with Rasiak, there would be the interest from Saints fans to make the visit.

30. Alternatively, next summer or January (ie Bayern Munich), it would be a good idea to invite a Polish club over for a friendly.

Any questions the Trust were unable to ask will be submitted in writing to the club for an answer.