Kelvin Davis says he regrets the moment of madness that has cost him his place in the Saints side.

The Saints keeper was an ever-present in the team until being charged on video evidence for aiming a kick in the direction of Jon Parkin at Stoke.

Despite Saints' appeals, Davis was handed a three-game ban and Bartosz Bialkowski stepped into his place.

Davis is available again for the return of his former club Sunderland at St Mary's today.

But, though he feels slightly hard done by, he is still regretting his actions.

He said: "I've seen it before and I've seen other people do it and I've thought what are you doing there?' "It's something I never thought I would do but the fact remains that I never made connection with the guy.

"It was more of a warning shot across the bows, so to speak, than a blatant kick with an intent of hurting him.

"I know in my own mind that I wasn't trying to hurt anyone so on that side I do feel hard done by and with the manner I picked up the ban.

"It wasn't even the referee or the linesman or the fourth official but apparently the referee assessor who's sitting in the stands that saw it.

"You think it could very easily have been overlooked.

"But I can't say I didn't kick out so if the result is a three-game ban then so be it".

Full interview in today's Daily Echo.