ASTON Villa's supporters are once again planning protests against owner Randy Lerner when Saints travel to Villa Park on Saturday.

The already relegated Villa take on Ronald Koeman's side in the penultimate Premier League home game of the campaign.

And the Aston Villa Protest Group are intending on making their discontented thoughts heard once more after the club was demoted to the Championship

Protesters have held up banners on the 74th-minutes that read: ‘Proud History - What Future?’.

The group's latest statement said: A once proud institution obliterated.

Randy Lerner is a one man wrecking machine and he has sought to obliterate this once proud institution. We are going down without even a whimper, we are a rotting from the top down and the fans are suffering desperately.

Randy Lerner is responsible for the failings at board level, responsible for failed manager after failed manager, endless broken promises and a maniacal flip flopping of strategy. He is ultimately responsible for the turgid rubbish that our so called “football team” throws up on the pitch week on week.

Today we were presented with yet more devastating news. The new board structure gave some fans hope, at last, that the ship may be slowly turning. To see this disintegrate in a matter of weeks has shattered that brief glimmer of hope. The resignation letters from David Bernstein and Sir Mervyn King suggest that this is due to interference from Mr Lerner and if this is the case, after the promises to stand back, we are utterly exasperated.

The fans deserve answers. Not through Steven Hollis who with all due respect is a puppet with his hands tied, but directly from the owner. This lack of communication is unacceptable and we will not stop until supporters are satisfied that Randy Lerner is showing this club, and by extension it’s supporters, the due care and attention both it and we deserve.

This Saturday vs Southampton we are continuing Banners Out on 74. We are imploring all supporters to stand firm with us. Now more than ever it is vital that we are persistent in asking the right questions of our risible owner.

After taking a poll of Aston Villa supporters via various social media our banners will once again display the words Proud History - What Future?

Unless there is a radical and unexpected change at ownership level within the coming days continued action will be taken vs Newcastle. We as supporters of Aston Villa Football Club MUST stand Prepared. It falls solely upon all of us to ensure this club does not fall even deeper into disrepair. That our future is a bright one as opposed to the darkness that currently envelopes us.

See you there. Up The Villa.