SAINTS legend Lawrie McMenemy has revealed his sadness at last month's axing of football club board chairman Leon Crouch.

McMenemy still sits on the board that Crouch was acting chairman of prior to his removal by the club's executives.

Writing in his exclusive Daily Echo column today, McMenemy said: "It was sad that internal problems became public resulting in the loss from the football board of the chairman Leon Crouch.

"To lose one chairman is normally a problem, but to have had three in just over a year is without doubt unreal.

"Undoubtedly Leon had differences with the executives who run the club day-to-day which apparently were found to be irreparable, but no-one can deny Leon's love for the club.

"Long before any of us met him he had, and still has, an executive box in addition to a table at every game in the Ambassador's Suite".

To read the full McMenemy column, don't miss today's Daily Echo.