SAINTS fan Gary Clark has sent the Daily Echo this letter in the wake of Saturday's debacle.

I was disappointed with the result against Crystal Palace.

However, I was disgusted with the fans' reaction towards the manager and players.

George Burley is well aware we need to strengthen the defence. He has his hands firmly tied and is doing his best under the circumstances. No manager would do any better!

Players are being played out of position and until it's solved we have to get on with it and get behind the team and support them.

They know they made mistakes, they don't need tellling.

We have two boards running the football club and until that is scrapped with one whole board working towards the same goals then it is only going to get worse for this club.

The PLC board don't give a damn what happens on the pitch and they don't care what division we are in. They are there to make a profit and by selling our best players they are achieving that.

The football board want this club back in the Premiership because they do care what happens on the pitch.

The fans need to put the board under pressure because that's where the problems are.

The two boards are in a power struggle between themselves and it's ruining the football club and making us less attractive for any new investment.

Michael Wilde allegedly quit for failing to bring in new investment, so why has none of the other board members done the same?

Too many previous and current board members are only here to make money.

It's painful to watch these people destroy this wonderful football club.

Saints have a good fan base, great training facilities, a superb ground, a decent team - but a very poor board doing an awful job.

And, if we are not careful, George Burley will walk out because he is not being given support.

The board are not showing any ambition to the fans or Burley.

Whilst this current board remains, nobody is ever going to take over and invest money which we need.

The longer we stay in this league, the harder it becomes and less and less fans will renew their season tickets.

Gary Clark, season ticket holder, via email.