Stern John is hoping third time will still be lucky at Saints.

The 30-year-old Trinidad & Tobago striker has joined the club as part of the deal that took his former international colleague Kenwyne Jones to Sunderland.

John has been promoted to the Premiership twice previously, with Birmingham in 2002 and Sunderland last season, and is now hoping to make it a hat-trick.

He is certainly qualified to know what it takes to get a team out of the Championship.

John said: "You need players who want to work for each other.

"The team is as strong as the weakest link andyou need to have good vibes in the team and to work hard and show resilience - even when it's going tough and you need players to stand up and be counted.

"I look at players in the changing room and we have some players who have experience and who know what it takes".

Full story: See today's Daily Echo.