RISING star Caleb Watts described as a "surreal" experience making his Premier League debut against Arsenal on Tuesday.

The Australian youth international, who made his senior Saints appearance in the FA Cup against Shrewsbury last week, came off the bench for the final 14 minutes against the Gunners.

And while the midfielder could not prevent a 3-1 defeat at St Mary's, the occasion of featuring in the top flight will live long in the memory.

Speaking to Australian outlet The World Game, Watts said: "I was talking to a teammate afterwards and I was telling him it felt surreal to be out there playing with Willian in front of me.

“Facing these types of players is what I’ve been dreaming about my whole life.

“It was an incredible experience, despite a frustrating result.

“To get on the pitch against a team like Arsenal is something I’ll never forget.

“I was just glad the manager trusted me enough to throw me on.”

Discussing his performance during his cameo appearance, the 19-year-old admitted: “I think I could definitely have done a lot better.

“I gave the ball away once or twice and there was one where I should have shot but I turned, and we won a free-kick.

“But it was good to get that first one out of the way.

“It’s something to build on and I’ll do all I can to try and make an impact whenever I get on the pitch again.”