Well, here we go! The Olympics is over, pre-season friendly games are finished and the real thing is about to start.

Who would have ever thought, with due respect, Brentford would be playing Arsenal? But, without knowing the result, good luck to them.

It shows clubs have not got to be the size of Arsenal and the Manchesters etcetera to achieve what they have done.

Saints have not got too many games you would like to start with. One of which, in my opinion, is their first game in Everton away.

It was always a good club to visit, off the field everyone was made very welcome with a great atmosphere in the ground.

Of course, in those days they probably had about 50,000 in but I’m sure if anything on this occasion they will be louder this weekend – as football is such an important part of Merseyside. They will be delighted to see things back to normal.

As a manager, obviously pre-season games are used to give different players an opportunity to show how they have progressed having come through the ranks at the club.

It also shows how new signings can blend in. Many changes with the size of the squads now can be made.

But now it’s the real thing and every manager, unless they have been unlucky to have players injured, would want to name the strongest team to turn out.

It’s fingers crossed day of course. Supporters will be looking for their club to either maintain the previous season’s success or get better.

Or, if they are a newly-promoted team, the excitement of coming up against some of the clubs they haven’t seen in the lower divisions will be there.

As far as Saints are concerned, we discussed the departure of Danny Ings but I think Ralph has quietly got on with filling the gap - which was there in many supporters’ eyes - with his signings.

He will, I think be happy – as I used to be at one time – to come away with at least a draw from Everton, with the supporters then looking forward to their first home game.

That could not be much more attractive in the supporters’ eyes, or difficult in the manager’s view than Manchester United.

Really, it shouldn’t be all about the manager, or even the supporters. It’s how are the players feeling? There are players from all different countries and the attitude of all of them will be examined and tested by all the staff.

Supporters will not only be wanting to just win, win, win, but they also want players having the will to win, aggression and team spirit which proves they are wanting to be behind their club as much as the man on the terrace.

Amongst Saints’ new signings, I noticed there was a player with the surname Armstrong, who was from the north east.

I thought ‘blooming heck, Dave was a good player but surely he’s hung his boots up by now?!’.

Of course, it is not Dave – a top class midfield player – it’s Adam.

It was pointed out to me the similarity with another north east lad that I signed in Alan Shearer.

Alan’s career came as starting in the youth centre I had established in Gateshead. He signed as a professional at Southampton, was eventually transferred to Blackburn and then went to Newcastle.

Adam has done it the other way round by starting at Newcastle, going to Blackburn and has now arrived at St Mary’s.

Obviously as a fellow north-easterner, I will be wishing him the very best and I will say to Ralph, who is probably used to many different accents in the dressing room by now, if he does need an interpreter – I will be available!