EASTLEIGH signing Lloyd Humphries is hoping to establish himself at National League level after making the step up from the National League South.

The 26 year old Welshman has joined the Spitfires for an undisclosed fee from Weston-super-Mare.

He is the latest addition to manager Kelvin Davis' side as the former Southampton goalkeeper bids to build the squad in his image.

“It feels really good to be here. I had a good season last year at Weston. I’m looking forward to see if I can make the step up here at this level," said Humphries.

“Kelvin spoke to me that Eastleigh had approached Weston. We had a chat and it all went really well.

“He spoke to me about what the club is like and what we are going to do going forward. It appealed to me.”

Humphries played every minute for Weston-super-Mare last season as they recorded a midtable finish in their first campaign back in the NLS.

It was an impressive feat for the former Cardiff City youngster, although he is not quite sure how he managed it.

"There was a lot of luck involved. I didn’t get any suspensions or injuries," he explained. “In the end, I just crept over the line and got it done. I don’t know how. 

“It was (one of my strongest seasons to date). We had a successful season at Weston. In the last two seasons, I’ve found myself more as a centre-half and I’ve really enjoyed it.

“But I can see myself playing in defence or midfield here. My goal is to get myself established in this team and at this level. That’s the reason I came here.

“I wanted to challenge myself at this level and see if I can make the step up. I’m really looking forward to playing in front of the fans, I hope I can develop a good relationship with them."