Russell Martin has some very good qualities, not least his man management skills, which are paramount to achieving a successful team spirit.

He did a good job last season, getting us promoted from the Championship at the final hurdle.

The comments on everyone’s lips as we left Wembley Stadium, filled with euphoria and excitement, were: “Brilliant, fantastic, we’ve done it, but we won’t be able to play out from the back with these players in the Prem; teams won’t give us the time on the ball.”

One of Russell’s other skills is being something of a magician.

He has convinced a lot of the players that they have passing and dribbling abilities that they previously didn’t possess.

Sadly, he didn’t explain to them that passing the ball out to a teammate who is being marked, while you yourself are under pressure in your own box, is not brave as he suggests, it’s reckless and, as we have already seen, suicidal.

READ MORE: Southampton FC fan calls for Martin to use new way to play

He needs to remember he is not in Division One or the Championship now.

He is in the top league, whilst the majority of the squad are only of Championship quality.

The team needs a plan B and C. One strategy is not enough in all situations. The players must be able to make decisions based on the situation they are in.

We must begin to score goals, not give them away.

We need points on the board, or else we will be playing catch-up, with survival chances even harder.

One word of advice to a manager from an experienced ex-manager (not football): Martin, when planning tactics, start thinking ‘outside of the box’ – literally.

John Carter
