cricket ground has gone green in a bid to become the world’s greenest stadium.

Utilita Bowl switched on 1,044 solar panels ahead of England hosting Australia in the first of their three T20 internationals this month.

The stadium in West End started installing he panels in July after being given the green light by Eastleigh Borough Council.

A total of 381,829kwh will be generated yearly at the site, reducing carbon emissions by eighty tonnes.

It is believed the panels will save the venue a six-figure sum each year in electricity costs.

David Mann, CEO at Utilita Bowl, said: “It fills us with pride to officially switch on the solar array here at Utilita Bowl.

“We set out a bold target at the beginning of our partnership and to see the first major step in that vision realised today is immensely satisfying.

“We recognise the responsibility we have within our community and hope to add to these initiatives in the future to further cement our commitment to being the greenest international cricket venue.”

He added that the stadium had commissioned six electric vehicle charging points at the venue's hotel, The Hilton, and hope to install more panels on the site.

READ MORE: Utilita Bowl to host three England internationals in 2025

The stadium sponsor, Utilita Energy, funded the ambitious project, which saw hundreds of panels installed on the hotel and stadium stands.

Hampshire and England player John Turner described the move to green energy as “really exciting”.

“It makes me so proud to be involved with this special place”, he said, adding: “It’s important that all sporting venues understand their role to the planet, just as we are seeing at Utilita Bowl.

“I am honoured to be a part of a club that cares about its community and recognises its responsibility to the environment.”