SOUTHAMPTON Independent Supporters Association official Perry McMillan said he was “proud to be a Sotonian” after the most stormy AGM he has ever known at St Mary’s.

McMillan, a long-time critic of Rupert Lowe, admits he usually has a lot to say at these meetings – but for the first time in years didn’t get to say it.

“All the questions I would have asked had already been asked,” he said.

“The likes of Leon Crouch and Lawrie McMenemy spoke superbly.

“It was a raucous meeting, there was lots of heckling of Lowe and calls for him to resign. It was the most stormy AGM I have known.

“Leon Crouch walked to the front and asked for a show of hands with regards to a vote of no confidence in Lowe, and 85 per cent of the shareholders there raised their hands.”

McMillan’s friend, Richard Chorley, was thrown out of the meeting by security guards for lobbing a “symbolic” thirty pieces of silver in Lowe’s direction.

It was an act designed to represent the amount of money paid to Judas in the Bible to betray Jesus Christ – Chorley’s actions a reference to Michael Wilde’s shock U-turn in supporting Lowe to get him back to the club last May.

Wilde, the football club board chairman, was not present at the meeting, having flown out to America for a family get-together following Saturday’s home defeat to Nottingham Forest.

McMillan asked: “Why couldn’t the meeting have been held last Friday? Michael Wilde was responsible for getting Lowe back in and he should have been man enough to come here and explain his actions.”

During the meeting, McMillan took off one of his shoes and raised it above his head, telling the chairman: “In certain countries they would be throwing these at you, Mr Lowe.”

McMenemy’s wife, Anne, also spoke at the meeting, asking Lowe why he had recently taken down a picture of her husband with the FA Cup from the boardroom.

The Echo last month revealed the picture had been taken down and replaced by a painting of a train which had bizarrely been donated to Saints by Doncaster Rovers back in September.

Crouch, McMenemy, Corbett and Patrick Trant – all former board members ousted by Lowe and Wilde’s return to power – all walked out of the AGM prior to coach Jan Poortvliet arriving to face questions from shareholders.

“It was not done out of disrepect to Jan,” said McMillan. “We just didn’t think it fair that Jan was being put in that position of fielding questions.”