Saints director Paul Thompson has broken his silence to call on shareholders to remove Rupert Lowe and his supporters at the forthcoming EGM.

Thompson, pictured above, who was the first board member to sell shares to Michael Wilde, now also faces the axe on July 3 after a PLC board meeting on Thursday added his name to the potential list of casualties.

The former chairman of West Brom and Sanderson, Saints' sponsors for five years in the 90s, has never spoken publicly since joining the board in 2003.

But in an exclusive statement to the Daily Echo the non-executive director says:

  • There have been a catalogue of bad decisions over the past two years which have been made without adequate board involvement
  • Rupert Lowe has to accept he has not performed his role well
  • He did not vote to re-elect Lowe at the last AGM and asked at a subsequent board meeting for the chairman to resign. Lowe refused.
  • Wealthy potential investors exist who will come in to the club on condition that Lowe leaves.

Thompson said: "I believe it is now time for a change. I hope that shareholders will vote to remove Rupert and those directors who are supporting him."

Read the statement in full, plus Saints' managing director's response, on page 63 of today's Daily Echo