Who would be a manager?

Sven surprised everybody with his World Cup squad selection, particularly with young Theo. I think he just about won most of the critics round, particularly as Michael Owen was ready to play and Wayne Rooney was seen celebrating at Mr Beckham's party.

So what could go wrong?

His B team result was not good but he was able to play one or two fringe lads and we were all ready for the main event of the build-up at Old Trafford.

The first thing that surprised me was that Robbie Williams got more supporters for his game than Sven but, with Owen Hargreaves popping up once again, Sven may have been more popular if he'd stuck Robbie in!

I thought he took the right opportunity to change the system from the normal 4-4-2, anticipating Rooney's absence in the preliminary stages. But, like most observers, I couldn't understand why Carragher, an excellent back-four player, was experimented with at this late stage as the anchor man when Carrick, tried and trusted in that position for his club in the Premiership, didn't even come on ahead of Hargreaves in the second half.

To me the formation with Gerrard trying to fill the Rooney role gave Frank Lampard less room to run into and at times the team pattern looked to have a straight line of three or four players down the centre.

Carrick could have held the centre defensive role with Lampard to his right, Gerrard to his left and Owen at the point of the diamond while Beckham and Cole, who both did well on the flanks, would have completed the formation.

David Beckham is always in the news for one reason or another. His PR machine is in full flow as we lead up to the big kick-off with the media falling over themselves to cover every event. Therefore he has definitely got to play better than average when he eventually gets back to the day job and pulls on the shirt and particularly the captain's armband which he cherishes so much.

So full marks to him against the Hungarians. His crosses were first class and once again was the main provider of chances for his colleagues.

However, it has to be said that the Hungarian marking showed exactly why they didn't qualify themselves for the finals.

I don't think for one moment skipper Beckham will get the room he got last Tuesday.

Coaches would have watched and will definitely show their own defenders before they play us that once he is tight marked he doesn't attempt to take defenders on in the manner which Joe Cole, for instance, started to show more and more as his confidence rose and which Arron Lennon did so well in the B game at Reading.

But as Sven reaches the twilight of his England career it is yet another win and he can always argue his record compares favourably over his five year period in charge.

Of course it's the big tournaments that matter and everyone is continually saying that we have the best squad, team spirit, organisation etc in living memory so surely no less than a semi-final place would be looked on as a successful end to Sven's period in charge.

It should be remembered also that while club managers taking over a new job usually follow someone who has been sacked because of bad performances, Steve McClaren is in the awkward position of wanting to help us to the final and a win if possible with the knowledge that every time we get a good result he will have to take over with people saying follow that.' Personally I expect us to have beaten Jamaica fairly easily today. Undoubtedly there is still a question mark over Wayne Rooney even if he comes through the scan next week and it's just a pity it's too late to take out one of the nine midfield players in the squad to add another forward.

Young Theo has entered the record books but really has not been able to show yet if he can justify Sven's boldness.

Defensively we look solid. The left hand side, which up until recently was a problem, has now been admirably filled by the two Coles and providing Lampard and Gerrard can be used more in the way they play for their club sides I think they will add vital goals at the right times.

As ever we keep coming back to the question marks over Owen and Rooney who, let's face it, have earned so much admiration not only from their teammates who are desperate for them to be fit but much more importantly from the teams we have to play against who, with due respect to Crouch and Walcott, will be hoping that the metatarsals come back to haunt Sven and all.