NIGEL Adkins has warned his players that their performance at Carlisle was not good enough if they want to take their careers to the next level.

The Saints boss was frustrated with some of the individual displays turned in at Brunton Park.

And Adkins confirmed he had learnt some valuable lessons about certain players as a result of the match.

“Very much so,” he said firmly.

“We’re looking at the players and how they react when they’re put under pressure, when they’re taken out of their comfort zone and when things are going against them.

“It’s good to actually analyse people’s character and characteristics and who’s going to go with us to the next level.”

Adkins was obviously not happy with some of the things he saw during the game.

And he made it fairly clear that there were members of the squad who really have something to prove to him now.

“If players want to step up to the next level they’ve got to be better than that, and they know it,” he said.

The manager added: “It doesn’t matter how you play, what you can’t do is give three goals away, and that’s what we’ve done.

“The third one, one person not doing his job allows them a two-goal margin when we were in the ascendancy.”

Although Adkins wouldn’t publicly name him, that player appeared to be midfielder Morgan Schneiderlin.

With Saints back in the game at 2-1, thanks to Alex Chamberlain’s early second-half goal, the Frenchman failed to challenge Carlisle’s James Chester from a corner.

The on-loan Manchester United defender duly planted his header past Kelvin Davis for what proved to be the decisive third goal.

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