WHILE much emphasis was placed on Eastleigh's new wingers prior to Saturday's opening day victory over Cambridge City, it was the two "low maintenance" signings who emerged as the stars of the show.

In right-back Chris Piper and match-winning midfielder Anthony Riviere, manager David Hughes reckons the Spitfires have found themselves two ultra-reliable players who can be trusted to keep the side ticking over while the flair players do their thing.

Speaking ahead of tonight's trip to Bath City, team boss Hughes reflected: "All our new signings have done well. Ellis Green does his job on the wing and you know what you are going to get from him.

"Damien Scannell can be a bit hit and miss on the other side, but he can do the unexpected and on his day he can rip teams apart on his own.

"But while wingers are characteristically up and down, Piper and Riviere are what I'd call low maintenance players that you don't have to worry about - and Danny Smith is much the same."

Full report in today's Daily Echo.