The third annual Hampshire FA Football Development Conference is taking place this year on Sunday at Sparsholt College (10am to 4pm).

This year's theme for the conference will be "leadership" and it will be free to all those who register.

The conference will feature a keynote speaker in the morning from the Football Foundation, a presentation on leadership through club development and then some practical workshops.

Anyone attending can choose the one most suitable for them.

After a break for lunch delegates will have an opportunity in the afternoon to take part in two of four seminar-style workshops. A review of the day will close the conference.

Workshop topics practical: Futsal development: a practical activity to give an introduction to the FIFA-recognised version of five-a-side.

Coaching development: a session aimed at supporting Level 1 coaches keen to progress to Level 2 and beyond (outdoor).

lMulti skills: for those who coach under-tens, a key area of development focusing on giving children the basic motor skills required before specialising in a particular sport (outdoor).

Those wishing to take part in practical workshops need to come prepared to work indoor or outdoor.

Theory: Child Protection: the latest updates on child protection including reporting procedures.

Referee development: the county perspective and the support mechanisms in place for referees.

Administration and soccer parent: two workshops focusing on what is "good practice" in key areas of the game.