The Club is delighted to welcome its new Flag Officers, duly elected at the AGM held on Saturday 27th November 2010.

The youngest Member ever to hold this post, Mark Inkster is the newly elected Commodore of the Royal Southern Yacht Club. Mark has followed the traditional route to senior Flag Office having been active on the sailing Committee, latterly as its Chairman and Rear Commodore Sailing, before election to Vice Commodore and Chairman of the Executive Committee in 2008. A fervent supporter of Club traditions, he brings commercial and legal experience and when not in the Club, runs the family timber import business.

Mark is being supported by a strong team, and not least by David Mead as Vice Commodore. Originally attracted to the water by offshore powerboat racing and One Ton Cup sailing competition, David served for many years on the Motorboat Committee, latterly chairing it. Having sat on the Sailing Committee, he became Rear Commodore Sailing in 2004. A great supporter of Club events, both afloat and ashore, he runs his own business supplying services to the UK beverage industry.

Most recently the Club’s Honorary Treasurer and a member of both the Executive and House Committees, Brian Mead secures the Rear Commodore Sailing flag. Now semi-retired from his accountancy practice, he is a past Commodore of the Little Ship Club, has cruised and raced since his youth, competing successfully in RORC, JOG and Club regattas and is a previous winner of the Club’s prestigious Admiral’s Trophy.

A Member for almost 30 years, Tim Robinson brings to bear his business skills gained throughout a career in senior management with IBM and Interim CEO of the Jubilee Sailing Trust and exchanges his most recent role of Chairman of the House Committee for that of Rear Commodore House. Now in semi-retirement, he assists marine start-up businesses.