I'm currently working seven days a week, so you may be surprised that, even though I'm already putting in junior doctor hours, I'd like to work more hours on Sunday. Maybe you'd like to shop for more hours too. Unfortunately the law won't allow it.

Normally Sunday is a quiet trading day for Your Life Your Style but as we approach Christmas all hell breaks loose. With only six hours trading allowed by law, it's a difficult decision for shops whether to open 10 til 4, 11 til 5 or something in between. For the last two weeks, we've opened at 10.30 to a queue and still had people in the shop at 4.30.

When Sunday trading was first proposed, the biggest opposition came from shop workers' unions and the Church. Ironically the wonderful Winchester Christmas Market which is organised by the Cathedral opens for eight hours on Sundays! It's able to do this because the law allows units under 3000 square feet to trade all hours.

It would be great for shops, customers and the economy if the law could be relaxed for the four weeks prior to Christmas. Maybe not good for my health though.

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