I WOULD like to add some comments to your story (Daily Echo, January 3) regarding cuts in bus subsidies.

Councils are being subjected to severe budget cuts from the Tory/ Lib Dem government and as a result, the Labour council in Southampton have to make difficult decisions.

The cuts will affect all areas of services provided by the council and bus subsidies are no exception.

As a council, we have looked at where the subsidies are spent and in many cases across the city we have been subsidising routes which are commercially viable.

It obviously does not make sense for the council to fund services which make a profit for bus firms.

The bus companies have been making a profit from their operations in Southampton.

Cllr Fitzhenry, the spokesman on transport issues, says that the cuts are going too far. I find his attitude incredible as it is his Government causing the cuts in services.

CLLR DAVID FURNELL, Millbrook ward councillor.