THE national papers are full of the issues surrounding disabled babies and what to do about funding their care and whether it would be better to kill them at birth.

I have listened to many stories of grief and sorrow regarding handicaps, abortion, murder, rape and lots of other stuff too.

Humans do not want to kill other people; the army find it hard to train soldiers to kill in war.

There is a deeply inbuilt restaint to killing our own species. When a baby wakes in the night you get up and lovingly attend to his needs, even when you are ill or very tired you still put the baby's needs first.

Aborion survivors are less able to do this because their helpless cries were not reponded to so well, especially when they were young. There are now many abortion survivors among the medical staff.

The medical profession have now discarded both ethics and science, the medical profession now try to do what is popular.

We started with the unwanted unborn, now we move onto the newborn sick and then we will probably move onto the mentally ill and the elderly. Chilling indeed.

In ancient time doctors had to cure the patient or kill the patient.

Doctors quickly found that did not work because the patient had no trust in the doctor.

As the babies are not able to protest this unjust debate I must speak for them.

They are as human as you and me.

TRACY JOYNES (by e-mail).