HAMPSHIRE Fire and Rescue Service is proposing to make changes in Southampton which will particularly affect Redbridge Fire Station.

The proposals include moving one of Redbridge' two full-size fire engines to St Mary's, were it will be crewed by part-time firefighters, and replacing it with a Land Rover-type vehicle crewed by just two firefighters.

The smaller vehicle would be equipped to deal with small incidents, such as fires in vehicles, bins and shrubbery.

The firefighters no longer required at Redbridge would be relocated to other Hampshire fire stations.

I attended a meeting at Redbridge Fire Station at which Deputy Chief Fire Officer Alan House expressed every confidence that the new arrangements would not lead to any reduction in fire cover in the 'fire ground' covered by the Station, which includes Redbridge, Millbrook, Shirley, Lordhill, Coxford and Lordswood.

Persuasive though the arguments are, I am concerned that the reduction from two full-size fire engines to just one engine plus a smaller vehicle, and a reduction in the number of firefighters, would create an unacceptably small margin for error, given the longer time it would take a 'back-up' engine to arrive from another station in the event of, for example, a fire in a house or work-place.

The fire service is keen to explain the proposed changes to residents and wants to hear their opinions.

A public meeting is taking place at 7pm on Wednesday, November 22 at Bellemoor School, Shirley. I urge you to attend to hear the proposals first hand and decide for yourself.

KEITH MORRELL, Millbrook Ward Labour Action Team Southampton