WHEN the history of the world is written about 2035, the main reason why the world will then be immersed in far greater escalating wars and social conflict will be seen due to the fact that our politicians did not entertain the advice of independent advisers at the leading-edge of knowledge, and where they were totally removed from either political expediency or human control.

Indeed, government advisers at the end of the 20th century and at the start of the 21st century have not the answers, as the continual Middle-East conflict has clearly shown and where they are only Yes-men and Yes-women who pander to the party wishes and not what either a nation's people want or even the global community requires for humanity's long term survival.

Global problems are major issues that affect all humankind and require open minds', those not corrupted by government and their pet policies that provide, as history has shown, basically nothing.

Therefore not until the people of the world have honest people giving independent and totally unbiased advice, will the world, in less than a mere three decades from now, be in a position to stop what now appears to be an inevitable consequence of their inability to solve humanity's greatest problems.

The saving grace may be that there are now 91 Nobel Laureates (increasing in number by the year) and around 3,000 of the finest and leading-edge scientific, engineering and economic minds in the world, who are willing to prevent this unimaginable state of affairs happening.

The sorry truth is that politicians do not really want to know the thinking of the world's most innovative and creative people, as they are simply not yes' people who pander to the politician's none delivering pet wishes of nowhere land'.

This vital deficiency, which is most probably the greatest deficiency that mankind has in solving its immense problem, has unimaginable consequences for our present young and all our generations that follow.

DR DAVID HILL, chief executive, World Innovation Foundation Charity.