I WISH those who supported Race for Life knew of the power that they hold and what can be achieved.

Two ladies having power used it to far greater effect than previous men ever did.

Florence Nightingale managed to reduce the death rate from 42 per cent to two per cent in four months, by enforcing hygiene standards in hospitals in the Crimea.

Returning home she brought these to great effect in British hospitals and what she taught led to standards that have not been surpassed.

Unfortunately as cross infections in hospitals today show, in many cases these lessons have been forgotten.

Former Northern Ireland Secretary Mo Mowlam, another remarkable woman, ignored directives from civil servants and brought peace to two beautiful countries.

Men started the war in 1916, she brought it to an end where countless men failed, her only monument: a flourishing Ireland and peace.

Her death was a great loss to her family of a person who had so much that our country and the world needs today.

It is not a party political failure, each has failed the people over the years.

Today the NHS is in a perilous state, as the National Audit Office reports show, it is not accountable for its actions. Like our railway track system until governments regain control nothing will change.

For years MRSA Support has been striving to implement universal basic hygiene standards in hospitals without success. On November 22 this organisation will be lobbying Parliament and have a room booked for speakers. 170 MPs and Peers have given their support. Andrew Lansley, the opposition spokesperson for health, has offered to help and might be giving an opening speech.

As a member of MRSASSupport, I would seek the help of mainly women, as they often bear the brunt of tragedies worldwide.

At sometime we shall all need our NHS, we can return it to being te envy of the world. Look what the above two women did.

If only you knew the power you hold and there are lots of you. At least write to your MPs.

I honestly believe if less than ten points were implemented by persons the public accept as honourable, within one year confidence would start to return to our NHS.

Our medical/nursing profession, as television programmes and personal accounts prove are the equal to anywhere in the world. Consistently failed by ever increasing expensive bureaucratic bodies who drain away essential pubic funds that should be going to the above.

For you and those that you love, you can bring about a change. Another Race For Life?"

At least letters will help.

L A COLSTON, Winchester.