I WAS horrified to read of the plight of Major Hughes and her beautiful dog Lunar (front page Saturday, November 18) Salvation Army Major Hughes is quoted as feeling "shattered, shaken, bereaved, alone and very emotional'' not surprising! - BUT how does that poor dog feel? Dragged forcibly from a loving home that she has enjoyed for over two years by aggressive strangers - and taken where? By whose authority? and for what reason?

Who are these Gestapo-like people, who reportedly as volunteers, feel they have the right to forcibly remove a dog from a loving home with no prior negotiation, no warning of their intention or paperwork to support their action, and most importantly, with no presence from the RSPCA or the police to oversee such an extreme procedure and they then feel they can simply respond to questions asked with NO COMMENT?

This is an appalling situation and the high profile patrons of this so called charity together with the RSPCA who seem to be recommending them to potential adopters should demand answers to the questions raised.

I am the adoptive owner of several different types of animal, gathered from a variety of charity based rescue and rehoming organisations and I for one will be watching the outcome of this sad and disturbing case very closely Sonia Blandford, Southampton.