I HAVE read with dismay two articles your paper has written in respect of the changing face of Radio Solent, its listeners and its staff.

I was an avid listener to their broadcasts, especially Nick Girdler. I made a conscious effort to try and tune into his programme at some point each and every weekday morning. It was a great disappointment tome when he decided to hang up his microphone earlier this year.

It would seem therefore, well at least to me anyway, that he had seen the writing on the wall. Obviously he seems to have made a wise decision. Despite this blow, I have still tried to listen to the broadcasts, but things do not see the same with him gone.

My enthusiasm, having now waned, has been knocked by this latest blow. I m approaching sixty and obviously I'm one of the listeners Radio Solent is trying to discourage. I will save them further efforts to succeed in this quest. I will not be listening to their broadcasts in future.

R J AVERY, Eastleigh, Hants.