What a total and utter white wash Mia Costello's appearance was on RadioSolent's breakfast time programme with Julian Clegg on Tuesday, 21st November when she attempted unsuccessfully to defend her leaked memo on ageism.

They had about two callers live on air and they were about the safest calls imaginable. They were obviously the only ones they dare put on air! Listeners had been asked to book their calls to speak to Mia Costello the day before - well they couldn't have Mia Costello put on the spot, could they!

We could all see the soft cushioned approach that was being taken with some pre-recorded comments and other messages being read out. Needless to say I was not phoned back!

Mia Costello's performance was totally predictable - but this is most definitely not the end of the story!

Referring to her leaked memo which contained the statement - "I don't want to hear really elderly voices" Mia Costello's stance that she was "using shorthand to instruct staff not to use stereotypes of older people" simply doesn't appear plausible to listeners. To me "I don't want to hear really elderly voices" means exactly that!

The Radio Solent employee who leaked the ageism memo to the press must certainly have believed that "I don't want to hear really elderly voices" means exactly what it says!

"I don't want to hear really elderly voices" must also mean exactly that to ex-star Radio Solent presenter Peter White, as the Echo on 14th November quoted him regarding the leaked memo as saying "The BBC will probably have to change its attitude over this. It's insulting to the age group they are now trying to attract. It is degrading."

I had the privilege of speaking to Peter White on his last programme - a very busy talented man who hasn't let his disability hold him back in any way. I believe Peter White's view of things entirely!

I do not believe Mia Costello. Her excuses are just a pathetic waste of time and an abysmal attempt to cover her tracks - and it's failed!

On 13th November the Echo (speaking of Peter White's departure) also said - "Peter White branded the decision "undignified" after he and fellow experienced presenters were given less than a week's notice that they were to lose their jobs."

I can confirm that Solent have most definitely been practicing ageism in relation to their listeners for the last eighteen months. It was blatantly obvious to anyone who listened closely that this was happening. Older regular callers, real characters and with much to contribute were no longer being called back. There is one point Mia Costello brought up with which I agree entirely! Radio Solent has become staid. I couldn't agree more! With our very unique and much-loved Nick Girdler now gone - what does she expect!

Nick's departurewas no doubt all part of her grand plan!! Mia Costello has done untold damage to a once highly successful radio station and it's time for her to go!

Name and address supplied.