Taking Money From The Children?

AS A resident of Eastleigh and what may be termed a floating voter, I am becoming increasingly annoyed with the Liberal Democrat controlled Borough Council.

The Developer's Grant of £250,000 was given expressly for the improvement of Grantham Green. Lib Dems are now telling us that there is only £217,000 available because £20,000 had been spent on their proposals to build flats on the Green, and they say £13,000 has already been spent on the children's play area.

I am disgusted that the money for promoting their ill-conceived project has been taken from the improvement fund, when it should have come from the General Budget in the first place. The Council have had this money for some time. It could have earned £25,000 at 5 per cent over the last two years, more than enough to cover the cost of the proposal. Am I alone in thinking that something in the order of £45,000 has been removed from the available budget and used for other purposes?

I for one will not be voting Lib Dem again. Events have shown that they were not honest on the doorstep, and now they have taken money which was destined to provide facilities for the kids.

Shame on them.

D GILLESPIE, Eastleigh, Hants.