I recently received a distressed e-mail from Major Alexandra Hughes regarding the removal of her dog Lunar and have subsequently been following your articles in the paper.

I felt obliged to write in support of Alexandra as I cannot believe that any organisation can legally act in such a draconian way.

I got to know Alexandra when she was Major of our Citadel in Alton, Hants.

During my time as Mayor of the town she was most kind and supportive of all I did and was a well respected member of our community.

I know how devoted she is to Lunar and how upsetting this whole affair has been to her.

I would hope this issue could be resolved as soon as possible in a civilised way as I am sure Lunar is also distressed at what has happened.

If a child had been snatched, rather than a dog, such an incident would have made the national press.

There are precious few people out there who are willing to give a dog a good home and the treatment that has been meted out to Alexandra and Lunar beggars belief.

Cllr Pam Jones, Alton.