AN OPEN LETTER TO MS COSTELLO AND BBC MANAGEMENT: AS ONE of Radio Solent's listeners who wrote to you last week incensed at your recent decisions I listened with great interest to your response on Radio Solent.

However you have not convinced me that you didn't mean what you said in that memo. Also nobody has asked the question not in the Echo or on the radio to my knowledge as to who is it that leaked the memo in the first place? To me it's obvious that someone in Radio Solent is very unhappy with your management and isn't it a huge coincidence that all those presenters have been sacked at a time when this memo was leaked? You have not convinced me that the two aren't connected. Other odd things have happened and been said to make me think otherwise. Chris Walker, one of the sacked presenters, did a disappointing act one Sunday afternoon recently at exactly the time this memo was written and presenters were probably beginning to be told. Was he making a protest over what had happened? Today we have a new Information Exchange presenter. What is gong on? I still stand by my first letter to you, there is something very fishy about all this and you have ruined some good programmes as well as upset some good presenters.

I remain very sceptical.

MRS J D MCCARTNEY, Southampton.