MY concern is the great number of new homes being crammed into areas Freemantle, Lower Shirley, East Millbrook.

I have asked Southampton City Planning Department total number new homes now in progress, or with permission to build given. So far no one has been able to tell me (or will not tell me). One, two or several homes are demolished with blocks of flats as replacements.

While I do understand the need for more affordable homes many of these flats will not suit families. Will they end up as shabby unkempt areas?

These are older areas of Southampton with plenty of narrow roads. Again, I understand the need to eventually reduce the numbers of cars on the road. However, building blocks of flats with no or inadequate places for cars simply forces more cars on to already very congested roads. This is a dangerous and unacceptable practice! People will not decide not to drive a car (or families own fewer cars). They will just park anywhere they can. New buildings of any kind need to consider life as it is. Not as the planning dept think they can impose on citizens of Southampton.

MRS A HUMPHREY, Southampton