Thank you for the interesting letters on fluoridation.

Tampering with the public water supply to medicate us all is unethical.

When we go to the doctor he/she asks us questions and assesses our need and can stop the treatment as required.

No sensible doctor would prescribe for a patient they’ve never seen, with no details of their medical history!

The chemical involved in artificial fluoridation is not pharmaceutically registered. It could never get certification by medicines agencies and it would be illegal to dump it at sea because it’s so toxic. It contains significant traces of carcinogenic (cancer-causing,) neurotoxicant (nerve poison) and radioactive elements. It has to be transported in specially lined tankers because as an acid it can burn through glass & steel.

The natural fluoride in some water supplies is calcium fluoride which is present only in small amounts in the UK, averaging about 0.1 part per million of water. But the man-made chemical added is put in at 1.0 ppm which is TEN TIMES more.

Natural calcium fluoride is largely insoluble and passes easily through the digestive system. Whereas the added fluoride – hexafluorosilicic acid – is so soluble that much of it can remain permanently in the body, causing serious health conditions.

A Wills, Hampshire.