The tragic death of a young 18-year-old student (Front page story, Daily Echo, November 30,) must surely tug at the heart-strings of all parents. It is assumed that this death is alcohol related, though only a post-mortem will confirm this. However, the paper showed photos of this young man, proudly showing how much he could drink.

The media over recent months have displayed vivid images of binge drinking and also the long-term health effects of heavy drinking, and the shortening of life expectancy.

During my long service in psychiatry in both the Royal Navy and the Army, I worked with alcoholics (and sadly many servicemen were also addicted) and without exception, they all said they wished they had never started.

No-one sets out to become an alcoholic. No-one knows when they take the first drink how their body will respond.

Alcohol is a drug and just like heroin or cocaine, once you are hooked, breaking the habit is tough.

If you find you need a drink or several to get through the day, seek professional help - now.

William Stewart, Eastleigh.