TONY Blair has written in a national newspaper that some families can't cope being a parent, The children suffer and then we all suffer'. Tony Blair is to hire experts to show parents how to tame their kids.

I've never heard anything so ludicrous in all my life.It will cause even more trouble.

What makes us all suffer and that's a government that forbids parents from smacking their child when they do wrong.

And I did say smack, not hit or beat, because of this children end up ruling the roost and the streets.

How can any child begin to know the difference between right and wrong if they are allowed to get away with blue murder in the home and at school?

It was fine the old way, children knew their places for a start, they had the good manners not to butt in when grown up's were talking, they had the good manners to wait.

I doubt you will see much sign of that these days. They also honoured their parents, teachers and schools and got pride in return.

Honour and pride isn't even in their vocabulary these days.