THE countryside is increasingly at risk from inappropriate development caused by inadequate planning policies, a weakening of local democracy and a focus on short-term economic growth regardless of the environmental consequences.

The Government’s localism agenda has been seriously undermined and I am deeply concerned that local views are being ignored to the detriment of valued and irreplaceable countryside. While I recognise the need for economic prosperity, should this be pursued at any cost to the environment?

If we don’t stand up for the countryside we will lose it. I encourage your readers to sign the Campaign to Protect Rural England’s new charter which demands better protection for the countryside, a fair say for local communities in planning for the places where they live and work, and more housing – in the right places

I believe the CPRE is our only hope to stop this devastation of our countryside. Fareham Borough Council is not listening and pays no heed to residents.

Their consultations are a farce.

I refer to the new town called Welborne (6,500 homes) north of Fareham.

Stella Bell, Portchester