As the festive season approaches - full of celebrations, parties, fun and laughter - Animal Aid is asking people to think about the millions of animals for whom Christmas is a time of suffering and exploitation.

Each Christmas, millions of turkeys are slaughtered, along with ducks, geese, pigs,lambs and chickens.

Prettily packaged cosmetics and toiletries make lovely gifts but were probably cruelly tested on animals.

Puppies and kittens are given away as presents, but then dumped by new owners' when the novelty has worn off.

Rabbits and foxes have their fur stripped from them to be turned into clothing and accessories. But it needn't be this way!

Animal Aid has produced a wonderful new guide to a compassionate Christmas. This colourful, glossy booklet contains sections on food and drink, fashion, make-up, gifts and entertainment, showing how easy it is for cooks, shoppers and revellers to take simple steps to avoid inflicting suffering on others this festive season. After all, it is the season of good will to all!

For a FREE copy of the Compassionate Christmas Guide contact Animal Aid on 01732 364546 or visit

Kate Fowler-Reeves, Animal Aid