N REPLY to Alan Kebbell's letter (untouchables) concerning the Flowers Estate I would like to say that he is right but I do feel that with time and effort these people are starting to be found out and dealt with.

Myself and my partner Max have been suffering homophobic abuse from a group for some time but now that the "ring leader'' has been taken out of the area the situation has changed for the better. I feel that we need to support each other and go out and face these mindless idiots who just cannot comprehend the way they can make peoples lives a misery.

The parents must be aware that their kids are up to no good but must be happy to know that as long as it does not affect them that is OK. I never agreed with the "blame the parents'' camp but my opinion is changing when I see these teens doing this in their own area. I would agree that there are good kids on this estate but I'm not sure about 95 per cent?

Honeysuckle Road does appear to have a high percentage of "bad eggs''! When you look at some of these parents you do see the problem. Luckily a small group have recently been "sent down'' and this also helps.

Lets pull together, vigilantly is the wrong word but we need to be seen not to accept this poor behaviour. There is strength in numbers but I'm afraid it's just the "yobs'' that know this at present.

Name and address supplied.