T'S NOW official - we are going to have road pricing.

Each vehicle is to have a satellite-tracking device fitted. New vehicles fitted with the device at the time of manufacture and older vehicles at the time of the MoT. The lowest cost being about £200. Then motorists will be free, in spirit, but at a cost, to travel the length and breadth of the UK.

It is surprising that the EU commission has not instructed all EU member countries to introduce the same system otherwise foreign visitors with their cars to the UK will be able to roam freely.

Additionally, the government will know, as a result of satellite tracking, just what time you leave home to take the kids to school, visit the supermarket, etc - and measure each mile/kilometre travelled. Moreover, each road will have its own tariff - so much a mile/kilometre. Then presumably a motorist will receive a bill.

Apart from any infringement of privacy, the administration costs of the system would not be cost effective - and the legal system would fall apart chasing up and dealing with defaulters.

Any more bright ideas from this failing government?

R ANGEL, Southampton.