WHEN I heard that Southampton City Council had decided to waste £250,000 on a project to light up the night sky with four laser beams I was absolutely appalled.

This is a significant and deliberate attempt to add to light pollution. People should be able to view a beautiful night sky of stars and the moon without any intrusion.

Laser beams also present a real hazard that could seriously damage eyesight. Pilots and passengers in low flying aircraft near the source of these lasers will risk possible eye damage. In addition, the light could be distracting to pilots.

How can the council seriously encourage people to save on energy usage when they set out to intentionally waste it? Which planet are these councilors living on?

The capital of £250,000 and the running costs will amount to a significant outlay that could be spent on far more meaningful and beneficial projects that could actually help the environment.

This project could set a very bad example to other cities. How long before we have multi-coloured laser shows emanating from town halls across the country?

In my view, this is a wasteful, unnecessary, frivolous, unimaginative, intruding project that should be stopped now.

BOB LEWIS, Worthing, West Sussex.