IT was announced recently that the Thas repaid paid our debt to the USA for the Second World War. It conveniently left out the 4.3 billion we still owe the US for our First World War loans.

When the depression hit in the 30s, Britain could not meet its repayments and never restarted them again.

Mind you, we were owed even more than we owed the US from countries like Belgium, Austria and Germany for loans and debts incurred in that great conflict.

The First World War debts have never been repaid but there is an understanding between all principal players that they are quietly forgotten about.

Let's hope that some bright spark statesman does not look into this puzzling situation and think he can make capital from resurrecting the complicated issues that would surely arise, if everyone including us, wanted their money back with 88 years of interest added!

PADDY MAXWELL, Lordshill, Southampton.