IT was not only immoral, but also rather scary that the Sunday papers showed pictures of a man about to be hanged, a noose around his neck.

At least one of these papers had a picture of him with a bruised or grazed face after the event. A nation that condemned the death penalty so long ago, glorifies such an event!

As my 13-year-old daughter voiced "This is horrible, are they going to hang the people who gave him the weapons to kill the people he did?'' Schools do teach something!

Well, I doubt it very much, after all our national media and government have forgotten last summer, Lebanon, a multi-national country that was trying to pick up the pieces of past conflicts was invaded by Israel.

An invasion is one thing, whether right or wrong, but to target civilians is not only evil but a war crime, for Britain and the US to have supported this is far worse!

As we all now know, according to the UN clearance experts, there are 100,000 cluster bomblets at 359 seperate sites, these are lying in people's homes, gardens and in trees, bombs that look like oranges, lemons and apples, stuck in trees during the olive picking season, not surprising really is it that people are being killed and maimed everyday, mostly children, but also UN operatives.

Meanwhile, the flights by Israel over Lebanon airspace are a daily occurence. People feel threatened, Lebanese, Europeans, Brazilians and Americans plus others, but the West ignores! If these were Lebanese, Syrian or Iranian planes over Israel, we would all know!

The tabloids cannot help but show the macabre hanging of one; financed and supported by the West. While innocence is left to suffer and we are all left in oblivion to know the truth!

TONY GRAY, Cadnam.