I MUST thank the customers of Bitterne Sainsbury's for their generosity shown to the lads from the 3rd Itchen North (Bitterne) Scout group when we did packing and loading for two and a half days before Christmas.

We raised just over £2,200 - an amount which will certainly enable us to celebrate 2007, the centenary of Scouting, really well.

From the manager and supervisors to those on the tills, we were made to feel welcome and useful.

The customers were extremely generous and tolerant. Some of them didn't know there was a scout group in Bitterne - some thought scouting had died out altogether - so from our point of view it was a good PR exercise - achieving far more than just fund-raising.

Thank you again for your kindness and support - it was very much appreciated.

JENNIE UPTON, group scout leader.