I THINK that the people of Britain must be very impressed with the way the Afghans have voted in the recent election.

They have been threatened with death, but seven million of them queued for hours and voted.

They were jubilant, showing their inked finger as proof.

I feel that it is a shame that in this country we disregard the ballot box and sometimes up to 80 per cent of us who are on the electoral roll do not bother.

In the Borough of Eastleigh, democracy is lacking because of the non-voters. There are 44 Borough councillors on the council and 39 of those are Liberal Democrats. Non-voters helped put them there, by staying at home.

In Eastleigh we are controlled by the very few Ccouncillors who are in the ‘Cabinet’. There is no worthwhile opposition.

The Cabinet consists of Keith House who has been an Eastleigh Councillor for nearly 20 years and is said to have earned £67,500 (Daily Echo, October 18, 2012) by holding five public paid positions in 2011/2012 – in fact a career politician; Louise Bloom has been a councillor since 2002, David Airey has been a councillor for even longer. Anne Winstanley has been a councillor since 1996, Mrs Cathie Fraser, Alan Broadhurst, Peter Wall, Roger Smith. They make all the important decisions.

I urge you to vote as it is your democratic right and think of the people of Afghanistan – they voted and it can make a huge difference. The next election is on May 22, 2014 and if you are away then apply for a postal vote. But please vote UKIP, Labour or Conservative.