NO doubt residents of Millbrook and Freemantle will be reassured to receive a letter from 20th Century Fox (Daily Echo June 3) explaining why once again they may have to suffer a broken night’s sleep caused by noise from the docks.

Residents have been complaining about the noise from the scrap business for many years but nothing has ever been done to mitigate the nuisance and if anything it has been getting worse as the size of the scrap piles get higher and higher.

ABP management claim that they want to be good neighbours but to now add insult to injury and allow 20th Century Fox to create extra noise and disturbance to residents is a cynical disregard of local residents’ complaints over the years One can understand that commercial noise from container movements cannot be avoided but surely filming cannot be classed as port activity and is simply another money making ploy?

Hopefully the “professional and conscientious”ÿ film crew will keep the promise to keep the disturbance down to a bare minimum and we will not be woken by the gunfire and explosions.

Perhaps ABP’s management can explain why they have allowed this filming to take place, why they take no notice of residents’ complaints and why they refuse to meet local residents’ forums to discuss the noise problems.

CHRIS HINDS, Southampton.