A NUMBER of people have written to your letters pages regarding bus changes in our city. After giving up my car three years ago I now walk a lot and take advantage of my bus pass around Southampton.

Any evening visits, my family drive to and from. It was quite a shock therefore when my daughter experienced no buses after 7pm and had to get taxis home. In the school half term she and her two daughters took her grandchildren to the Isle of Wight for the day and as the girls didn’t have the cars that week they decided to do it by bus. No problem going into Southampton in the morning and ferry to the island. The problem was arriving back and finding no buses to take them home, and so had to use two taxis as there were three adults and six children – a lovely day spoiled.

My question there, and I do appreciate it is not easy running city bus companies, but Southampton has late night shopping among other functions, so how do staff and shoppers alike who don’t drive get home, or am I being naive here? No doubt there is a simple answer.

DOT SMITH, Southampton.