I HAVE received a leaflet describing the performance of the TUSC party in Southampton’s recent local elections.

Any of your readers who received this leaflet might be in need of clarification.

TUSC claim that they received six per cent of the vote across the city.

They have achieved this figure by counting in the votes of Councillor Morrell, who seems to associate himself with whatever flavour of politics suits him at a time and this time actually stood not for TUSC, but as an independent.

Will Councillor Morrell commit himself to any particular party or is he going to keep us guessing?

Will Morrell and TUSC also end with their ridiculous claim that they “saved” Oaklands Pool.

The Labour council and Coxford councillor Sally Spicer ensured the survival of the pool by working with the community and finding funds for the refurbishment, a major achievement in the light of this Tory/LibDem coalition government’s cuts to Southampton’s budget.

The only way to fight cuts to our local services is to get a Labour government elected at the General Election next year, to restore the funding cuts so unfairly inflicted on our cities.

Ann Wardle, Portswood.